3rd Grappa Tourney
Judges: Mario Parrinello & Francesco Simoni (Italy)

In a helpmate in 2 moves, both White’s and Black’s queen play in the first move. At least two phases are required (set play, twins, solutions, duplex), but zero-positions are not allowed. No fairy pieces or conditions are permitted.

There were 46 problems to judge; the average level was satisfactory only for the top problems. Some problems were not included in the award due to partial anticipation, constructional weaknesses or very weak strategy.

Valery Gurov
Boris Shorokhov

1 Pr Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Menachem Witztum
2 Pr Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Colin Sydenham
3 Pr Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
b) Dd8=>c8
c) pg4=> b3

1st Prize: Valery Gurov & Boris Shorokhov (Russia)
a) 1.Dxf7 Dd3+ 2.Kf4 Sh5#
b) 1.Dxg7 Dc2 2.Kd4 Lc5#
c) 1.Dxe7 Dd2+ 2.Ke4 Ld5#
Undoubtedly the best entry of the tourney, showing a remarkable cyclic Zilahi.

2nd Prize: Menachem Witztum (Israel)
i) 1.Db4 De1 2.Sdc4 Td5#
ii) 1.Db5 Dg5 2.Sec4 Lc3#
This problem shows a good FML, exchange of functions between the thematic white pieces and preparatory self-pin after white line opening. A good strategic problem.

3rd Prize: Colin Sydenham (Great Britain)
Black: 1.Dxe4 Dxe5 2.Dc4 Dxb2#
White: 1.Dxe5 Dxe4 2.Dg7 Dxh4#
Another very good strategic problem (Holzhausen, switchback and all moves by the D's) by the "duplex man".

Mikhail Marandyuk
1 HM Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Zoran Gavrilovski
2 HM Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Mark Erenburg
3 HM Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
b) Sh2=>g2

1st Honourable Mention: Mikhail Marandyuk (Ukraine)
a) i) 1.Dxf5 Df8 2.Dxe5 Df3#, ii) 1.Dxe5 Dh8 2.Dxf5 Dd4#
b) i) 1.Df2 Dg8 2.Kf3 Sd2#, ii) 1.De3 Dxc6+ 2.Kd3 Se1#
The only TF-problem of the tourney with four model mates.

2nd Honourable Mention: Zoran Gavrilovski (Macedonia)
i) 1.Dc6 Dd5 2.Dc4 Df5#
ii) 1.Dd5 De4+ 2.Kc4 Dc2#
iii) 1.De4 Df3 2.d1=S De2#
A very economical and elegant three-fold magnet.

3rd Honourable Mention: Mark Erenburg (Israel)
i) 1.Dxh1 Dxh1 2.Sg4 Dh8#
ii) 1.Dxa1 Dxa1 2.Sc4 Dh8#
A good interpretation of the Gamage theme with model pin-mates. The bPf4 can be removed.

Johan de Boer
4 HM Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Paz Einat & Ofer Comay
5 HM Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Helmut Zajic
6 HM Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
b) Dc6=>d6
b) Tc1=>g2
b) Dc5<=>pd6

4th Honourable Mention: Johan de Boer (Netherlands)
a) 1.Dd6 Dc3 2.Se5 Sxf4#
b) 1.Dc6 Dxf4 2.Sc5 Sc3#
An old-fashioned problem with nice black tempo moves; it has to be said that in part (b) the closing of the bD line is also a square block.

5th Honourable Mention: Paz Einat & Ofer Comay (Israel)
a) i) 1.Dxb2 Dxd4+ 2.Kxd4 Lxb2#, ii) 1.Dxe1 Dd3 2.exd3 Txe1#
b) 1.Dxd6 Dxf4+ 2.Kxf4 Lxd6#
Three sacrifices by both the white and black Queens in a heavy position and with unbalanced number of solutions (2 in A and 1 in B).

6th Honourable Mention: Helmut Zajic (Austria)
a) 1.Dd4 De3 2.Kc5 Tc2#
b) 1.Dd7 Dd8 2.Kd6 Th6#
Anticipatory self-pins by the thematic Queens; it is a pity that the pinned black piece interferes with another black piece only in part (a).

Juraj Brabec
7 HM Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Menachem Witztum
1 Comm HM Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Josef Kupper
2 Comm Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
b) Se2=>a8
b) Dg2<=>ph2

7th Honourable Mention: Juraj Brabec (Slovakia)
i) 1.Dxd6 Db8 2.Dd3 Df4#
ii) 1.Dxf5 Df8 2.Dd3 Df4#
iii) 1.Dxc4 Da4 2.Dd3 Df4#
Double many ways theme in admirable construction.

1st Commendation: Menachem Witztum (Israel)
a) 1.Dxh5 Dc3 2.Sf6 Da5#
b) 1.Dxc8 Db2 2.Sd4 Db6#
Familiar successive unpins and pin mates in an airy position.

2nd Commendation: Josef Kupper (Switzerland)
a) 1.Da8 Dxa8 2.Lc1 Lh7#
b) 1.Dh8 Dxh8 2.Sc1 Sxa3#
Elegant long-range moves by the Queens in order to achieve a line opening; there is a slight imbalance since in part (b) the line is that of an indirect battery.

Lennart Werner
3 Comm Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Vlaicu Crisan & Éric Huber
4 Comm Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
A. Pistei
5 Comm Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
b) pd7=>c7

3rd Commendation: Lennart Werner (Sweden)
i) 1.Dxg6 Dh6 2.Dc6 Dxc6#
ii) 1.Dxd4 Dxg7 2.Da1 Dxa1#
Another problem with all moves by the two Queens, here with annihilations of one of two white pieces which exchange their functions.

4th Commendation: Vlaicu Crisan & Éric Huber (Romania)
a) 1.Dxc4 Dc1 2.De6 Dc5#
b) 1.Dxf5 Dh3 2.Dc5 De6#
An elegant ODT with good swapping square occupations.

5th Commendation: A. Pistei
i) 1.Db6 Da7 2.Sxd7 Dxd7#
ii) 1.Dc7 Da6 2.Sxe6 Dxe6#
The thematic requirement is here enriched by dual avoidance.

A. Pistei
6 Comm Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Byron Zappas
Pavlos Moutecidis
7 Comm Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Yoel Aloni
8 Comm Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
b) Le3=>d2

6th Commendation: A. Pistei
i) 1.Dxc4 Dxc4 2.Tg5 De6#
ii) 1.Dxa3 Dxa3 2.Tf5 De7#
iii) 1.Dxc2 Dxc2 2.Te5 Dg6#
Three sacrifices by the bD followed by three bT self-blocks in echo.

7th Commendation: Byron Zappas & Pavlos Moutecidis (Greece)
1.Da2 Dg1 2.Dxe6 Dg5#
1.Dh4 Db4 2.Df6 De4#
1.Dg1 Db8 2.Dg6 De5#
Another neat interpretation of the thematic requirement with all moves by the D's.

8th Commendation: Yoel Aloni (Israel)
a) 1.Df7 Dg8 2.Dxb3 Dxb3#
b) 1.Da7 Da8 2.Dxa2 Dxa2#
Two Bristol manoeuvres with sacrifices by the bD on the mating squares.

Gligor Denkovski
9 Comm Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Gligor Denkovski
10 Comm Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
Vladislav Nefyodov
Rashid Usmanov
11 Comm Grappa Ty
Eretria 2005
b) wTf5
b) Kf1=>g1
b) Ke1=>c1

9th Commendation: Gligor Denkovski (Macedonia)
a) 1.De4 Dxf1 2.gxf1=S Lxe4#
b) 1.Dh5 Dxg1+ 2.hxg1=T Txh5#
Elegant black promotions after wD sacrifices; what is original in this context is the bD sacrifice on the mating square.

10th Commendation: Gligor Denkovski (Macedonia)
a) 1.Dd4 Dh7 2.Tb4 Dc2#
b) 1.Dc4 Dh6 2.Tb3 Dd2#
An aristocratic miniature which shows an amusing dual avoidance.

11th Commendation: Vladislav Nefyodov & Rashid Usmanov (Russia)
a) 1.Dh6 Df3 2.Tg7 Lb4#
b) 1.Da1 Db3 2.Lg7 Lxg5#
Pleasant FML and optimised role by the wD, but the strategy is very familiar.