Congress Quick Composing Tourney
Section A: Directmates in 2 moves
Judge: Byron Zappas (Greece)

In the set play or a try, two black defences on two different squares lead to mates due to self-block or interference. In the solution, after the same black defences, the self-block(s) or interference(s) are changed to interference(s) / self-block(s) respectively.

In the tourney participated 13 entries, three of which were eliminated for different reasons. The level of the entries was satisfactory with top problems of impressive quality, considering the limited time for composing.

Vasyl Dyachuk
Peter Gvozdják

1 Pr #2 Quick Composing Ty
Eretria 2005
Mikhail Marandyuk
2 Pr #2 Quick Composing Ty
Eretria 2005
Paz Einat & Ofer Comay
3-4 Pr #2 Quick Composing Ty
Eretria 2005

1st Prize: Vasyl Dyachuk (Ukraine) & Peter Gvozdják (Slovakia)
Set: 1...f4 / S~ 2.Sg5# (A) / Dxc4# (B)
1.Sg6? [2.Sg5# (A)] 1...Txd5 / cxd5 2.Te3# (C), 1...Lxd3 / cxd3 2.Te5# (D), but 1...Dxg2!
1.Txf5? [2.Te3# (C)] 1...Sd5 (a) / Sxd3 (b) 2.Dxc4# (B) / Sg5# (A), 1...Lxd3 / cxd3 2.Sg5#, but 1…Kxd3!
1.Txf3! [2.Te5# (D)] 1...Sxd5 (a) / Sd3 (b) 2.Sg5# (A) / Dxc4# (B), 1...Txd5 / cxd5 2.Sg5#, 1...Kxd5 2.Td3#
An outstanding work, showing the theme with reciprocal changes of the thematic mates between try and solution. It is amazing how these composers, in such a short time, managed to do this work, which includes as well pseudo le Grand and Rukhlis! The problem has some symmetry, which however does not affect the rich content of this composition.

2nd Prize: Mikhail Marandyuk (Ukraine)
Set: 1...Sd4 / Se3 2.Sc5# / f3#
1.Df7! [2.Df5#] 1...Sd4 / Se3 2.Dxd5# / Df4#, 1...Kxe5 2.De7# (1.Dd7? Se3!)
The most elegant presentation of the theme, in meredith form with changes in the thematic mates.

The following two problems, like the second prize, are very nice compositions, showing as well changed thematic mates with a flight-giving key.

3rd - 4th Prize ex aequo: Paz Einat & Ofer Comay (Israel)
Set: 1...Sd3 / Se4 2.c3# / Sf3#
1.Dc7! [2.Dc5#] 1...Sd3 / Se4 2.Dc4# / Dxe5#, 1...Kxd5 / Txd5 2.Dd7# / Dc3#

Harri Hurme
3-4 Pr #2 Quick Composing Ty Eretria 2005
Aleksandr Feoktistov
1 HM #2 Quick Composing Ty
Eretria 2005
Yakov Rossomakho
2 HM #2 Quick Composing Ty
Eretria 2005

3rd - 4th Prize ex aequo: Harri Hurme (Finland)
Set: 1...Sc5 / Sc3 2.Sd6# / Sd2#, 1...Te3 2.Dxb4#
1.Lc2! [2.De6#] 1...Sc5 / Sc3 2.Txd4# / Se3#, 1...Te3 / Kd5 2.Sxe3# / Lxb3#

1st Honourable Mention: Aleksandr Feoktistov (Russia)
1.T7c4? [2.Sc7#] 1...e6 / e5 2.Le4# / Se3#, but 1...Dc3!
1.T7c6! [2.Sc7#] 1...e6 / e5 2.Txd6# / Td1#
The theme is introduced by a try. It is interesting that the thematic defenses are made by the black pawn e7, changing the thematic mates.

2nd Honourable Mention: Yakov Rossomakho (Russia)
Set: 1...e5 / Sc6 2.Sb4# / Dxe6#
1.Sd6! [2.Dxd4#] 1...e5 / Sc6 2.De6# / Lc4#, 1...dxc3 / Te4 2.Dc4# / Dxe4#
Nice line openings and closings, with changed thematic mates.

Aharon Hirschenson
Arieh Grinblat
3 HM #2 Quick Composing Ty Eretria 2005
Viktor Melnichenko
Valery Kopyl
1 Comm #2 Quick Comp Ty
Eretria 2005
Piet le Grand
Hans Uitenbroek
Joost de Heer
Henk le Grand
2 Comm #2 Quick Comp Ty
Eretria 2005

3rd Honourable Mention: Aharon Hirschenson & Arieh Grinblat (Israel)
Set: 1...Se3 / Se5 2.Sxc5# / Sd6# (1...Dd6+ 2.Sxd6#)
1.Sf4! [2.Lc2#] 1...Se3 / Se5 2.d3# / Sd6#, 1...Dxf4 2.Txf4#
Another good problem, with changes in thematic mates. Heavy position.

1st Commendation: Viktor Melnichenko & Valery Kopyl (Ukraine)
Set: 1...Sc5 / Sxe5 2.Sc7# / Sf6#
1.Lxd6! [2.De4#] 1...Sc5 / Se5 2.Sxe3# / Sf6#, 1...Dd4 2.Sc7#

2nd Commendation: Piet le Grand, Hans Uitenbroek, Joost de Heer & Henk le Grand (Netherlands)
Set: 1...Ld5 / Sxe7 2.c5# / Td8#
1.Sd5! [2.Ta6#] 1...Lxd5 / Se7 2.c5# / Td8#, 1...Txd5 2.Sxf7#