Ural Problemist Tourney
Judge: Andrey Selivanov (Russia)

Studies with mate or stalemate featuring pin of a piece (not pawn).

18 studies were received from 16 authors, representing 12 countries.

David Gurgenidze
Nikolay Kralin

1 Pr Ural Problemist Ty
Eretria 2005
Oleg Pervakov
2 Pr Ural Problemist Ty
Eretria 2005
Oleg Pervakov
Rashid Usmanov
3 Pr Ural Problemist Ty
Eretria 2005
Black to move

1st Prize: David Gurgenidze (Georgia) & Nikolay Kralin (Russia)
1.Se5! Tf8 2.g7! Te8 3.Sf7+ Kh5 4.Le2+ Kg6 5.Ld3+ Kf6 6.Lh7! Sh6+ 7.g8=S+! (7.g8=D? Sxf7#) 7...Sxg8 (7...Kxf7 8.Lg6+ Kxg6 =) 8.Lxg8 Kg6 9.Sd8! Txd8 =

2nd Prize: Oleg Pervakov (Russia)
1...Dc1+ 2.Kh5 Lf7+ 3.Kh4 Txg2! 4.Ld2! Dxd2 5.Tb1+ Kh2 6.Th1+ Kxh1 7.Db1+ Kh2 8.Db8+ Kh1! 9.Db1+ Tg1 10.De4+ Kh2 11.De5+ Kh1! 12.De4+ Dg2 13.Sf4! Dxe4 =

3rd Prize: Oleg Pervakov & Rashid Usmanov (Russia)
1.b6! f4! 2.Lxf4! Td4+ 3.Ka5! Dd5+ 4.Sdb5+ Txf4 5.Sc6+ Ka8 6.b7+ Kxb7 7.Lc8+! Kxc6 8.Lb7+ Kxb7 =

Nikolay Kralin
4 Pr Ural Problemist Ty
Eretria 2005
Yochanan Afek
5 Pr Ural Problemist Ty
Eretria 2005

4th Prize: Nikolay Kralin (Russia)
1.Sb3+! Ka2 2.Sc1+! bxc1=D+ 3.Kxc1 h1=D 4.e7+ Ka1 5.Da2+! Kxa2 6.g8=D+ Ka3 7.exf8=D+ b4 8.Da2+! Kxa2 9.Dxb4! Dc6+ 10.Lc3 Dh1+ 11.Le1 Dc6+ 12.Lc3 Sxb4 =

5th Prize: Yochanan Afek (Israel)
1.c8=D! Lxc8 2.Ta3+ Kb4! 3.Txh3 Ta5+ 4.Sa4 Txa4+ 5.Kb2 Ta2+ 6.Kxa2 c1=D 7.Tb3+ Ka4 8.Te4+ Ka5 9.Te5+ Ka6 10.Te6+ Ka7 11.Te7+ Ka6 12.Te6+ Lxe6 =

Yochanan Afek
1 HM Ural Problemist Ty
Eretria 2005
Jonathan Mestel
2 HM Ural Problemist Ty
Eretria 2005
Michel Caillaud
3 HM Ural Problemist Ty
Eretria 2005

1st Honourable Mention: Yochanan Afek (Israel)
1.Sxa3! Ld1+ 2.Lc2! Lxc2+ 3.Sxc2 d3 4.Sa1! d2 5.Sb3! d1=D =

2nd Honourable Mention: Jonathan Mestel (Great Britain)
1.Sg5! Sc7 2.Te8! Sxe8 3.f8=D+ Sg7+ 4.Kf6 Dxf8+ 5.Sf7+ Kh5 =

3rd Honourable Mention: Michel Caillaud (France)
1.b7! Lg2 2.d7! d2 3.Sc6! d1=D 4.b8=S+! Kb6 5.d8=D+ Dxd8 =