The long composing tourney is open only to the congress paricipants. The quick composing tourney will be held on Sunday evening, October 17th, and will split, as usual, in two sections, #2 and h#2. Many thanks to Christian Poisson who kindly agreed to offer licenses of the excellent WinChloe database application for the winners of the congress tournaments: one WinChloe license for the 1st Place of the Congress Long Composing tourney and one WinChloe Light license for the 1st Place of each section of the Quick Composing tourneys.
The participants who intend to organize composing tourneys during the congress, are kindly asked to send in the theme in advance and we will be glad to include the announcement in the congress material, provided that we receive the details at least three weeks before the congress starts. Please advise theme, possible example and closing date / time, keeping in mind that the prize giving ceremony is planned for Friday noon, October 22nd. |
Tourneys by the congress organizers
Tourneys by congress participants
Open to all (during the congress and via email)
Open only to the congress participants!